xpm file format

Main Table of Contents VERSION 4.0
GROMACS homepage Sun 25 Jan 2004


The GROMACS xpm file format is compatible with the XPixMap format and is used for storing matrix data. Thus GROMACS xpm files can be viewed directly with programs like XV. The first matrix data line in an xpm file corresponds to the last matrix row. In addition to the XPixMap format, GROMACS xpm files may contain extra fields. The information in these fields is used when converting an xpm file to EPS with xpm2ps. The optional extra field are: The example GROMACS xpm file below contains all the extra fields. The C-comment delimiters and the colon in the extra fields are optional.
/* XPM */
/* This matrix is generated by g_rms. */
/* title:   "Backbone RMSD matrix" */
/* legend:  "RMSD (nm)" */
/* x-label: "Time (ps)" */
/* y-label: "Time (ps)" */
/* type:    "Continuous" */
static char * gv_xpm[] = {
"13 13   6 1",
"A  c #FFFFFF " /* "0" */,
"B  c #CCCCCC " /* "0.0399" */,
"C  c #999999 " /* "0.0798" */,
"D  c #666666 " /* "0.12" */,
"E  c #333333 " /* "0.16" */,
"F  c #000000 " /* "0.2" */,
/* x-axis:  0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 */
/* y-axis:  0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 */
